In 2024, it marks the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal by Falun Gong practitioners on April 25th. To commemorate this significant day in history, New Century Film and Television has produced a feature-length movie titled “Memories,” which will premiere on the Clean World platform at 9:30 p.m. on April 28th, Eastern Time.
The story revolves around prosecutor Zhang Xiaoyue. In her memory, there is an unforgettable experience and a kind face that she cannot forget. Years later, she finally finds the person in her memory, only to become the defendant that Xiaoyue needs to judge…
The film has a runtime of 74 minutes, and the production team of “Memories” stated that the work is rich in content, reflecting social reality and provoking deep thoughts. They hope that this film can bring warmth and hope to those who still uphold their faith in the face of adversity, and also serve as inspiration and a warning to law enforcement personnel within the Chinese Communist system.
Twenty-five years ago, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from mainland China peacefully appealed in Beijing, calling for the release of Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested in Tianjin by the Chinese Communist Party and seeking a lawful environment for practicing their faith. It was hailed as the “largest and most rational and peaceful appeal in the history of China’s appeals.” This event shocked the world and holds monumental significance. This film is a tribute to these Falun Gong practitioners and to those who tirelessly strive for justice and progress.
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Editor: Sun Yun#