For a long time, people have been debating the existence of an afterlife following death. Recently, an astrophysicist put forward the idea that there are five clues that can prove the existence of an afterlife, meaning that souls will enter another realm after death.
According to a report by the British newspaper “The Daily Mail” on March 2, Canadian astrophysicist and Christian writer Hugh Ross, who founded the non-profit organization “Reasons to Believe” in California, USA, stated that there are five clues that can prove the existence of an afterlife.
Ross said the first clue is the limits of the universe. The universe may be infinite or it may not be, but what people can observe is evidently finite, indicating the existence of realms in the universe that humans can never observe.
He stated, “Given that there are masses in the universe, and that the general theory of relativity can reliably describe the motion of super-massive objects, these theorems prove the necessity of causal factors beyond space-time (i.e. the Creator).”
He continued, “The (Creator) is responsible for creating space and time, as well as all the matter and energy that make up the universe.”
Ross explained that the second clue is the reliability of the Bible. For example, the Old Testament’s Book of Daniel accurately predicted the rise and fall of empires including the Babylonian Empire.
He said, “Although the Bible is often misunderstood, a reasonable interpretation shows that the Bible’s historical, scientific, and geographical records are correct.”
He pointed out that more importantly, the Bible hints at scientific phenomena that humans will discover in the future after its writing, such as the universe being created through the Big Bang.
He also mentioned that there is evidence indicating that the message of the Bible does not come from humans, but from a source beyond the universe.
Ross said the third clue is the numerous sightings of UFOs by people. These objects themselves are non-physical entities because they are “not bound by physical laws,” like the famous “tic-tac” UFO discovered in 2004.
He stated, “The existence of non-physical reality proves that there are other spaces beyond the dimensions of the universe.”
The fourth clue comes from near-death experiences. In some cases, people who have had near-death experiences feel like they enter another space through a tunnel made of light, or travel through heaven and see God or deceased loved ones.
He explained that these experiences align with Christian beliefs, that souls leave the body when a person dies.
Ross said the last and most controversial clue is the effectiveness of prayer, which is enough to prove the existence of a space beyond the universe.
He mentioned that compared to those who do not pray to God in a Christian manner, those who accept Christian prayer methods recover faster and more thoroughly from surgeries or diagnosed illnesses.
People without religious beliefs may not believe in or understand the power of faith and may not comprehend the effects of prayer, so the effectiveness of prayer has always been a point of contention. However, surveys show that nearly nine out of ten Americans have had prayers answered at least once.
Previously reported by Epoch Times, in April 2023, the Radiant Foundation in the United States and its website “Skylight” conducted a survey of over 1,700 Americans, revealing that 87% of respondents said that at least one prayer request they made in the past year was answered by God.