Uncovering the Hidden Scheme of Kim Jong-un Bombing the Border Road

Hello everyone, welcome to “Current Affairs Highlights.” I am Jin Ran. Please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, comment, and share the recommendation.

Today’s focus: Unveiling the secret rage of Kim Jong-un exploding the road scandal; South Korean Defense Minister: Destroying Qingdao and Dalian; 3000 North Korean soldiers holding fake Russian IDs desert into Ukraine? Ukrainian F-16 armed with Sidewinder missiles takes down Russian command center.

Kim Jong-un of North Korea has been making major moves recently, first deploying organized North Korean troops to the Ukrainian battlefield to join the Russian army, and today’s major action is once again making headlines in major news media.

Around noon on October 15, North Korea suddenly destroyed the Gyeongui Line and the East Sea Line roads on the North Korean side that connect the North and South Korean military demarcation lines. South Korea’s surveillance footage captured the moment of the explosion.

Reportedly, after the destruction of the road linking its own side to the south, North Korea also fired warning shots. Kim Jong-un further ordered eight North Korean artillery brigades along the 38th parallel to enter combat status. It seems another Korean War is about to break out. You might wonder, in the past, whenever US nuclear submarines came to South Korea or the South Korean military deployed the THAAD missile defense system, North Korea would conduct missile tests or military exercises, what did South Korea do this time to provoke such a strong response from Kim Jong-un?

In fact, you will find that all dictators in the world share one trait: all their actions are to maintain their power and status. The recent trigger for Kim Jong-un’s rage seems to be the entry of several South Korean drones into North Korean cities to distribute leaflets, but ultimately it is because the content of these leaflets struck a nerve. The leaflets depicted pictures of Kim Jong-un and his daughter, Kim Ju-ae, and notably pointed out that the watch Kim Jong-un was wearing is a Swiss luxury watch from Patek Philippe, priced at 15 million Korean won, and the down jacket worn by 11-year-old Kim Ju-ae at the North Korean intercontinental missile test site on March 16 this year is from the French fashion brand Dior, priced at 25 million Korean won.

To help the North Korean people, who have never experienced affluence and are currently suffering from hunger, understand the exorbitant value of these items, the leaflets also calculated how many cobs of maize North Korean farmers would need to sell to afford such a watch and jacket. Maize is the northern term for corn. This effectively explains to the North Korean people why they cannot afford to eat well or dress warmly. What is most infuriating is that the leaflets also indicated how much maize an average worker in Seoul could buy with a day’s wages for comparison.

If the North Korean people were to discover that their “beloved” great leader’s watch is worth more than they could earn in several lifetimes selling corn, and that the income of an average South Korean is unattainable for them in their lifetimes, would they still view their leader as “benevolent”? I can imagine how China would react if the US were to expose how much wealth the Chinese Communist Party leader and their families have abroad – furious and embarrassed, most likely.

Speaking of the drones distributing leaflets in North Korea, they were not dispatched by the South Korean government but rather by civilian organizations in South Korea. However, Kim Jong-un does not differentiate. Prior to North Korea destroying the road between North and South Korea, South Korea was already on high alert, with a significant presence of armed helicopters and armored vehicles close to the 38th parallel near Seoul.

Tensions between North and South Korea are high, and if a war were to break out, it could potentially be the prelude to the third world war. Interestingly, during the time North Korea was destroying the border roads, the sensitive American stock market experienced a significant increase, indicating that the capital markets believe South Korea and its Western allies, led by the United States, have the ability to deter Kim Jong-un. Furthermore, on the same day, 4482 Chinese stocks on the A-share market simultaneously plummeted. Could this suggest that the possibility of another “Resist America and Aid Korea” campaign has unnerved China? This reminds me of what the South Korean Defense Minister shockingly stated at the end of last year.

In December last year, the South Korean Defense Minister suddenly stated that if war were to break out between North and South Korea again, and if China and Russia were to support North Korea, then South Korea would retaliate against China and Russia. According to reports from South Korea’s largest media outlet, the “Chosun Ilbo,” the South Korean Defense Minister expressed full confidence that South Korea has the ability to destroy the northern Chinese ports of Qingdao and Dalian and even strike Beijing. He believes South Korea’s “Sejong the Great”-class destroyer is more powerful than China’s Type 055 destroyer and that South Korea is capable of neutralizing China’s navy in a war.

Many brainwashed Chinese people, filled with pride when it comes to the so-called “Resist America and Aid Korea,” fail to realize the tragic consequences of the campaign, with over a million Chinese soldiers losing their lives. If they were to think about how the campaign affected North and South Korea today, it becomes clear how unfortunate those Chinese soldiers who perished in the Korean War were.

This is a map of North and South Korea. The 38th parallel mostly divides the two countries. Currently, North Korea’s GDP per capita is $1360, while South Korea’s GDP per capita is as high as $34,757, which is 25 times that of North Korea. South Korea has become a developed country, showcasing global brands like Samsung, LG, and Hyundai. Even in the United States, Samsung phones, LG TVs, and Hyundai cars are quite popular. Can you name a single brand from North Korea that is comparable? Don’t mention ginseng; and the real luxury ginseng is also produced in South Korea.

Apart from bringing poverty to the North Korean people and prosperity to the Kim family, what else did the “Resist America and Aid Korea” campaign achieve? This year’s Nobel laureate in economics has proposed a new insight into different societal developments, suggesting that a significant reference for the differing prosperity between countries is the sustained differences in social systems.

As previously mentioned in the program, Kim Jong-un dispatched over a thousand North Korean soldiers to support the Russian forces in Ukraine. What was once just media speculation is now confirmed by Ukrainian President Zelensky himself, who issued a warning to all supporters behind the Russian army.

Ukrainian President Zelensky recently confirmed the arrival of North Korean troops in Ukraine, assisting Russian forces in attempting to break through Ukraine’s defense lines. Zelensky’s statement seemed to indicate that he was calling out all the enemies behind the scenes through the presence of North Korean soldiers. He mentioned: “Ukraine’s defense intelligence has conducted a thorough analysis of those who are aiding Russia in launching an aggressive war against Ukraine, whether in military, economic, or political aspects, both openly and secretly. We know how to take necessary steps to weaken these ‘criminal alliances.'”

Furthermore, Ukrainian intelligence has revealed that the North Korean unit may have been deployed to the Russian-held Kursk region of Ukraine, with approximately three thousand North Korean soldiers holding fake Russian IDs enlisted in the “Buryat Special Regiment” under the Russian 11th Independent Amphibious Assault Brigade. Russia opted for this strategy as the native people of the Buryat Republic have Asian facial features, hoping to disguise North Korean soldiers as Buryat soldiers.

What is embarrassing for both Kim Jong-un and Putin is that just as the North Korean soldiers joined the Russian forces, news emerged that several North Korean soldiers deserted, with multiple media outlets reporting that 18 North Korean soldiers fled their positions along the Bryansk and Kursk regions of the Russian border without a trace, with the location being only 7 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

Due to the sensitive and embarrassing nature of this event, the Russian army is conducting large-scale searches while simultaneously covering up all the details of the desertion incidents. Ukrainian citizens have already expressed online that they plan to distribute leaflets to the North Korean unit, informing them that if they manage to escape to Ukraine, they will be granted permanent residency in Ukraine, likely prompting more North Korean soldiers to desert.

Remember, Putin had issued strict orders for the Russian army to recapture the Russian Kursk region occupied by Ukrainian forces by October 1. When this was not achieved, he hastily changed the deadline to October 15, which has now passed. It seems he will have to keep pushing back the deadline, as the Russian Ministry of Defense just announced the recall of General Yevkurov, the highest-ranking commander responsible for the Russian troops in Kursk, ultimately replacing him due to his failure to meet the ever-changing deadlines set by Putin.

Meanwhile, the latest batch of American-made AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles has been received by the Ukrainian Air Force. Undoubtedly, Ukrainian F-16 fighters armed with these Sidewinder missiles will help Ukraine gain better control of the skies on the Russian-Ukrainian front and significantly weaken the attacking strength of the Russian forces.

It is evident that various American weapons used by the Ukrainian military have played a crucial role on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield. Recently, Ukrainian forces utilized the Harpoon system to launch precision strikes with the latest American-provided small diameter bomb with a range of up to 150 kilometers, directly destroying the temporary Russian command center in the Kherson battle zone of Ukraine, dealing a significant blow to the Russian offensive in the region.

There was a shocking event on October 15 in the Russian Kursk region. Nearly all Russian radio stations and wireless channels were infiltrated by Ukrainian hackers in the area close to the frontlines, making it possible for even the Russian military, the Chechen forces, and Russian civilians driving in the area to hear the Ukrainian army’s surrender broadcasts.

Alright, that concludes this edition of “Current Affairs Highlights.” We need your support; please subscribe to our channel, support us, like, comment, and share our videos. Your direct financial support is greatly appreciated. Until next time.

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