On Tuesday, March 25, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced in the Federal Register that the United States has added 70 foreign entities to its updated export restriction list. These entities include companies or institutions from China, Iran, Pakistan, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates.
According to the announcement, among these entities, 42 are from China, 2 from Iran, 19 from Pakistan, 3 from South Africa, and 4 from the UAE. They have all been identified as violating U.S. national security or foreign policy. The announcement stated, “In fact, in accordance with section 744.11 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), these entities have engaged, are engaging, or present a significant risk of engaging in activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.”
The Chinese companies listed as entities include those that have obtained U.S. products to enhance China’s quantum technology capabilities, entities that support the military modernization of the Chinese Communist Party, and companies that supply products to other entities on the restricted list, including the tech giant Huawei, considered a core of China’s artificial intelligence technology.
The announcement pointed out that Saiho (Hong Kong) Instrument Co., Ltd., and Saiho (Shanghai) Instrument Co., Ltd., both Chinese companies, were included in the export restriction entity list because they “have obtained and attempted to obtain products originating from the United States to support China’s enhancement of quantum technology capabilities, which poses a serious impact on U.S. national security, given the military applications of quantum technology.”
The Bureau of Industry and Security also added Anhui Kehua Trading Co., Ltd., Liancheng Optoelectronics (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., Chongqing Southwest Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd., and Fisk Technology Co., Ltd., among other Chinese companies to the entity list for the same reasons.
The Chinese companies included in this entity list also include Singleton (Suzhou) Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Industrial Park Jingdian Electronics Co., Ltd., Aviation Computing Technology Research Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Beijing NationSky Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Graphene Research Institute Co., Ltd., China Academy of Space Technology, Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing Aerospace Precision Machinery Research Institute, Nanjing Chunhui Technology Industry Co., Ltd., Nanjing Glass Fiber Research and Design Institute, Nanjing Panda Handa Technology Co., Ltd., National Inspection and Testing Holding Group, Nanjing National Materials Testing Co., Ltd., Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Shaanxi Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Aerospace Electronics Co., Ltd., Star Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Changfeng Aviation Electronics Co., Ltd., Tianjin Aerospace Zhongwei Data System Technology Co., Ltd., Xi’an Aerospace Automation Co., Ltd., Xi’an Aerospace Tianhui Data Technology Co., Ltd., Xi’an Xiangteng Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Xi’an Xiangxun Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Aerospace Hengjia Data Technology Co., Ltd., and others.