On the morning of March 25th, in the United States Eastern Time, the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights will hold a hearing on “Metals, Minerals, and Mining: How the CCP Facilitates Conflict and Exploitation in Africa.” The Epoch Times and NTD will live stream the event with real-time translated subtitles.
The hearing aims to address the role of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in exacerbating conflicts and exploitation in Africa through its involvement in the metal, mineral, and mining industries. By shedding light on this issue, the Subcommittee hopes to draw attention to the negative impact of CCP’s activities on African nations and their people.
The livestream links for the coverage can be found at:
Epoch Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNV-SdGVmkc
NTD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2nGs1fYUms
Clean World: https://www.ganjingworld.com/zh-TW/live/1hh5bs2ppl91IiYExOrRplrIb1kq1c
The significance of this hearing lies in its exploration of the ways in which the CCP’s quest for resources in Africa has led to increased tensions, exploitation of natural wealth, and human rights abuses. By examining these issues, the Subcommittee seeks to propose measures to mitigate the negative consequences of the CCP’s activities in the region.
Through the live coverage provided by The Epoch Times, NTD, and Clean World, viewers will have the opportunity to gain insights into the complex dynamics at play in Africa and the role of external actors like the CCP in shaping the continent’s socio-economic landscape.
This hearing underscores the importance of transparency, accountability, and responsible resource management in safeguarding the interests and well-being of African nations and their people. As the discussion unfolds, it is expected that experts, policymakers, and advocates will offer valuable perspectives on how to address the challenges posed by the CCP’s actions in Africa.
As the hearing unfolds, it is crucial for stakeholders, policymakers, and concerned individuals to closely follow the proceedings and engage in discussions on how best to address the issues raised. By raising awareness about the negative impact of the CCP’s activities in Africa, this hearing serves as a platform for dialogue and action towards promoting sustainable development and safeguarding human rights in the region.