The highly anticipated 2025 Game Developers Conference (GDC), a global event in the gaming industry, took place from March 17th to 21st at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. With the theme “Connecting Worlds Through Games,” approximately 30,000 game developers, industry representatives, technology experts, and enthusiasts from around the world gathered together to discuss the future trends of the gaming industry.
The 5-day conference brought together programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, and business leaders from over 100 countries. Over 1,000 speakers led 725 lectures, seminars, roundtable discussions, and networking events, focusing on technological breakthroughs, innovative concepts, and industry trends.
The exhibition area officially opened on March 19th (Wednesday) with 400 exhibitors showcasing the latest in gaming technology, development tools, and innovative applications. Additionally, the Core Concept Conference kicked off simultaneously, covering key areas of game development such as sound design, business and marketing, design, production and team leadership, programming, and visual arts, with sessions hosted by world-renowned designers.
On the morning of the 19th, Mayor Daniel Lurie of San Francisco delivered a speech in the South Lobby, expressing gratitude for choosing San Francisco as the host city for the conference. He highlighted San Francisco’s efforts to create a “cleaner, safer” urban environment for residents and visitors and expressed hope for the continued growth of the conference, aiming to attract even more participants in the future, with a goal of reaching up to 35,000 attendees.
Mayor Lurie stated that while there are various perceptions of San Francisco from Europe, Asia, and across the United States, he hoped that global participants would enjoy their time in San Francisco and witness the city’s “emergence.”
According to a survey report from GDC, 1 in 10 developers faced layoffs in the past year, indicating challenges in the gaming industry. Against this backdrop, this year’s conference serves as an important platform for developers to support each other, exchange technical knowledge, and explore professional development opportunities.
As the largest annual gathering in the global gaming industry, GDC not only drives technological advancements in the gaming industry but also revitalizes the surrounding economy of San Francisco, including tourism, hotels, and restaurants. This is particularly crucial for the city’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to discussions on technology and innovation, this year’s conference focused on global issues such as health, environmental sustainability, and climate change, aiming for the gaming industry to have a positive impact in these areas.