Exploring Thousands of Recreational Spaces and Hidden Green Areas in New York City with New App

In New York City, the grid-like streets and well-defined neighborhoods make it an ideal place for leisurely walks and sightseeing. With numerous shops lining the streets, it is easy to find places to explore. And if you ever feel tired and in need of a comfortable resting spot, now you can utilize a free mobile application launched last autumn to discover nearby public leisure spaces.

New York City boasts many hidden gems such as plazas, courtyards, and rooftop gardens tucked away within private buildings. Although legally classified as “Privately Owned Public Spaces” (POPs) that are open to the public, these spaces often go unnoticed due to the lack of signage or information.

The mobile app named “NYC Public Space” has cataloged approximately 2,800 public leisure spaces, including around 600 POPs. The developer of the app, Chris Whong, explained to Gothamist that there are many places, such as spacious sidewalks with benches, that could serve as perfect resting spots for people, yet they are not listed on any official register. His aim is to provide a comprehensive map where people can easily find places theoretically open to the public, regardless of whether private owners intend to attract large numbers of visitors.

This app is available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Users can provide feedback to help identify which public spaces are worth marking on the map, thus becoming explorers of the city’s “hidden oases.”

City officials in New York have expressed their support for this new way of exploring the city. Ya-Ting Liu, the city’s first Public Realm Director, mentioned that while the city’s public resources are abundant, the public often lacks information on how to access them. Apps like “NYC Public Space” can offer more creative and user-friendly solutions to bridge this gap, providing valuable insights for residents and visitors alike. ◇