Exiled Overseas Chinese in Flushing Celebrate Chinese New Year, Hoping for a New Year without the Communist Party.

On New Year’s Eve, January 28th, the Chinese Democracy and Human Rights Alliance held a New Year’s Eve celebration in Flushing. Nearly a hundred overseas Chinese and their Western friends attended the event, enthusiastically discussing their hopes for a new year without the Chinese Communist Party.

Chairperson Jin Xiuhong expressed in her speech that everyone present had the courage to break free from the shackles of the Chinese Communist Party and escape persecution. She commended the attendees for bravely pursuing democracy and freedom, coming to the land of freedom in the United States to rebuild their lives with their own hands. It is a cause for celebration, and she hopes everyone will cherish this freedom. She also mentioned that during the APEC meeting in November 2023, anti-Communist Chinese protesters were violently attacked by pro-Communist individuals. With President Trump now in office, she hopes that similar incidents will not happen again.

Coming all the way from California to participate in the event, Vice-Chairman Jie Lijian of the “Chinese Democratic Party United Association” stated in an interview:

New Year’s Eve traditionally involves setting off firecrackers to drive away monsters and evil spirits. The Chinese people present have fled tyranny and their homeland. They hope for the early fall of the Chinese Communist Party, wish that this year will be the last year of the CCP, and hope that exiled Chinese people can return to China in the coming year. They aspire to celebrate a new year without the existence of the CCP, where Chinese people can enjoy human rights and freedom in a clean and civilized society, free from Communist influence.