Dentist: Eating Too Much of This Common Fruit Can Harm Teeth.

Despite the fact that eating fruits is beneficial for overall health, a warning from dentists indicates that a commonly consumed fruit, while rich in nutrients, should not be consumed too frequently as it can harm teeth and lead to tooth erosion.

Dr. Sahil Patel from the Marylebone Smile Clinic in London warned in an interview with the Daily Express that certain foods and beverages can be harmful to teeth due to their high sugar, acid content, or ability to stick to teeth causing cavities.

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits have nutritional benefits, but they contain high levels of acid that may erode the enamel of teeth, according to Patel.

The combination of acid and sugar in citrus fruits and drinks creates an environment that poses a danger to enamel. Once the enamel is damaged, the body is unable to produce new enamel.

Using a straw when drinking citrus fruit juice or beverages can reduce the chances of acidic substances coming into contact with teeth, thus preventing tooth damage.

To maintain dental health, Patel recommends not brushing teeth immediately after consuming citrus fruits or beverages, but rather waiting for at least 30 minutes before brushing.

He advises, “If your breakfast includes acidic foods or drinks (such as citrus fruits or juice), it is best to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth.”

He explains that brushing too quickly after eating acidic foods can weaken enamel, as the acid temporarily softens the enamel. Allowing some time for saliva to naturally neutralize the acidity can help protect teeth.

Dentist Ferakh Hamid, who has over 20 years of experience practicing in Leeds, UK, previously shared that brushing teeth too soon after consuming acidic foods can also cause teeth to appear yellow.

This is because brushing immediately after consuming acidic foods can erode the enamel of teeth, exposing the yellower layer underneath, resulting in a yellowish appearance. Therefore, brushing teeth at the right time and in the correct manner is crucial to maintaining the natural color and shine of teeth.

In conclusion, while citrus fruits offer valuable nutrients, their high acidity can pose risks to dental health. Following proper oral hygiene practices, such as using a straw and waiting before brushing, can help protect teeth from damage and maintain their health and appearance.