Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Peaceful Demonstration on April 25th: Grand Gathering in New York from All Walks of Life

On April 21, 2024, in the Flushing area of New York, Falun Gong practitioners and individuals from various walks of life held a grand parade and gathering to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal of Falun Gong practitioners on April 25, 1999.

During the gathering, participants who were witnesses to the “4.25” peaceful appeal recalled the remarkable events of that day. Organizational leaders and representatives from both Eastern and Western societies praised the courage of Falun Gong practitioners. Newly arrived immigrants in the United States expressed gratitude to Falun Gong for leading the Chinese people in resisting the persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. Twenty-four individuals renounced their affiliations with Chinese Communist Party organizations, becoming part of the 420 million Chinese people who have freed themselves from the shackles of the Communist evil spirit.

At the event, spokesperson Zhang Erping from the Falun Dafa Information Center delivered a speech, reflecting on the events surrounding “4.25” and the ongoing 25-year persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party.

Since July 20, 1999, countless individuals have been brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party simply for their belief in “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” resulting in the loss of numerous lives. Zhang highlighted the lack of religious and expression freedoms for Falun Gong practitioners in China, emphasizing that justice may be delayed but will not be absent.

Former Falun Gong practitioner from Hebei Province, Wang Huijuan, personally experienced the events at Tianjin Education College from April 21 to 23, 1999. She witnessed the police in Tianjin arresting and beating people, eventually escorting them to the Tianjin Municipal Government, where they were told to go to Beijing to resolve the issues.

On April 25, Wang Huijuan arrived at Zhongnanhai in Beijing, participating in the shocking “4.25 Peaceful Appeal of Falun Gong.” She, along with tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, stood silently waiting for news, and peacefully left upon hearing that the arrested practitioners in Tianjin would be released.

“During ‘4.25,’ tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners showcased the magnificence of their spiritual practice in Beijing, shocking the world and adding brilliance to history,” Wang Huijuan expressed at the gathering. “For twenty-five years, followers of Falun Dafa across the globe have spread the sacred words ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are good’ far and wide, affecting millions of households and reaching every corner of the world.”

Speaking at the gathering, Chen Jingyu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun, stated that the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution has continued for 25 years with no signs of stopping. She mentioned her sister being recently arrested in March and detained in a prison in Changchun, Jilin Province.

“Over the past 25 years, our family has been living in a state of separation due to the various unlawful detentions. Under the dictator rule in China, there is no freedom for anyone to live a normal social life with beliefs,” Chen Jingyu lamented, calling for the immediate and unconditional release of her sister and all unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners.

Yi Zhongyuan reported that over 429 million Chinese people have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party. The global movement to “End the Devil of the CCP” has garnered support from more than 4.2 million justice-minded individuals in the West.

He emphasized the significant impact of Falun Gong practitioners in resisting the Chinese Communist Party, defending freedom with unwavering courage. Yi Zhongyuan concluded by urging everyone to cherish this critical opportunity, uphold traditional values, and sever ties with the Chinese Communist Party to ensure peace and safety.

Martha Flores-Vazquez, a community leader from the Democratic Party in Flushing, expressed her astonishment at the substantial number of Chinese people abandoning the Communist Party. She commended the resilience and courage of the Falun Gong practitioners, acknowledging their strong presence in the parade.

Participants at the event, including Frederick Newcomb and Cecelia Crowley, praised the bravery of Falun Gong practitioners in their resistance against the Chinese Communist Party and defense of freedom. Newcomb stressed the importance of this resistance in the battle between righteousness and evil, celebrating freedom together forever.

The Chairman of the World Human Accountability Organization of the U.N., Republican senior funding consultant, and banker Frederick Newcomb and his wife Cecelia Crowley, joined the rally. They lauded the courage of Falun Gong practitioners in resisting the Communist Party and championing freedom.

Newcomb stated that this resistance is crucial in the battle between good and evil, asserting that celebrating freedom is an unalienable right. Mrs. Newcomb penned a poem celebrating the spirit of Falun Gong, urging people to learn from the noble practitioners of “truthfulness, compassion, forbearance” and remember the beauty and brilliance of traditional Chinese culture.

Chen Chuang, the Executive Director of the China Democracy Party, emphasized that twenty-five years ago, a group of peaceful protesters challenged the Chinese Communist Party, resulting in what the Party deemed its most severe incident since the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Despite 25 years of repression, Falun Gong has spread to over a hundred countries globally, emerging as the largest anti-Communist organization.

He commended their resilience, asserting that their resistance has transcended political restraints, becoming a symbol of faith. Chen Chuang paid tribute to these heroes for their courage and sacrifices, expressing pride in their dedication to justice.

Mr. Wang Zhiyuan, Chairman of the International Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, revealed that as of October 2023, the organization had released 866 recorded pieces of evidence and over 4,000 material evidence, including 66 recordings that directly implicated the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners.

The investigations included testimonies of practitioners facing organ harvesting, as well as direct involvement of doctors in the procedures, implicating 891 organ transplant hospitals and 9,519 practicing doctors in the alleged crime.

The findings affirm that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in extensive organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, constituting a crime against humanity. Mr. Wang called on people to hold the party accountable for its actions and urged those involved in the persecution to come forward, repent, and rectify their wrongdoing. He reiterated the organization’s commitment to pursue justice and uphold righteousness to expose the atrocities committed by the CCP.

Various new immigrant representatives took the stage at the gathering, recalling how Falun Gong had positively influenced their lives back in their home country.

Gong Kai from Anhui recounted how he nearly fell victim to the forced abortion policy of the Communist Party before discovering the truth through software developed by Falun Gong practitioners while in college. His newfound awareness led him to help his peers renounce the Communist Party, breaking free from the indoctrination he had lived under for 20 years.

Cai Yuanxing, a former outstanding Party member from China, reflected on witnessing the corruption of the Communist Party and being inspired by the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners in awakening the Chinese people and saving the world. He urged unity in pushing for the downfall of the Party.

Chen Weijie from Jiangxi referred to Falun Gong practitioners as his mentors, emphasizing the impact of their teachings on resisting the Communist regime.

Li Xinyan, a new immigrant who found solace in Falun Gong during the pandemic in China by watching programs on NTD Television, shared how the practice strengthened her resolve and guided her to safety during challenging times.

The event also featured performances by Falun Gong practitioners showcasing traditional drumming and dance routines. The gathering concluded with a song titled “Triumphant” by the Falun Gong heavenly band, symbolizing the ultimate victory of Falun Gong in the battle between good and evil.