In the bustling Jewish community of Crown Heights in Brooklyn, New York City, a shocking incident of a daytime abduction took place. The suspect, 28-year-old Stephen Stowe, who is allegedly involved in kidnapping a child, has a disturbing history of arrests.
The Crown Heights Shomrim Patrol revealed footage on X platform on November 10th, showing a Hasidic Jewish father walking with his two children on Lefferts Avenue in the early afternoon. Suddenly, a masked man wearing a blue and white jacket, identified as Stowe, approached them.
The video captured Stowe snatching a 6-year-old boy from the father’s hand as they passed by each other. Realizing the danger, the father quickly pulled the other child behind him, intervened, pushed Stowe away, and shielded his two young children.
After a brief “conversation” between the father and Stowe in the footage, they both walked away, and the confrontation did not escalate.
The New York City Police Department (NYPD) later announced that Stowe was arrested and detained around 1 am last Sunday on charges of attempted child abduction.
According to reports from Fox News, Stowe is facing charges of second-degree kidnapping, endangering the welfare of a child, and assault, among others. Police also revealed that Stowe has been arrested over 30 times in the past.
Yaacov Behrman, the founder of the Jewish Future Alliance, reposted the video of Stowe’s alleged abduction attempt of Hasidic Jewish children on social media platforms, accumulating over 740,000 views in just one day.
The father of the child, through Behrman, expressed his gratitude to the NYPD’s 71st Precinct in Brooklyn and the Jewish Shomrim Patrol for their swift response, confirming that the child is safe and sound.