10-year-old Harbin girl dies after tonsil minimally invasive surgery, attracting attention.

Recently, a Ms. Tang from Harbin posted a video saying that her 10-year-old daughter died during a minimally invasive tonsillectomy at the Heilongjiang Hospital of Beijing Children’s Hospital, sparking attention.

On August 21st, Ms. Tang recounted the incident to the “Modern Express”. According to her recollection, on the noon of August 6th, her daughter went to the Heilongjiang Hospital of Beijing Children’s Hospital for a tonsillectomy. At 12:40 noon that day, her daughter entered the operating room and at 13:40, the hospital notified her that the surgery went smoothly and she was to be sent to the recovery room for awakening.

Around 2:30 PM, the doctor informed the parents that the child was coughing with lung bleeding and needed to be transferred to the ICU. However, according to the hospital’s video provided, the child was not taken to the ICU.

Around 4:30 PM, the hospital requested the child’s father to sign a blood transfusion form. Around 4:40 PM, the child’s parents entered the operating room. “At that time, the child’s face was black and there was blood in her mouth.”

Around 4:50 PM, the parents were informed to see their child for the last time. Ms. Tang said, “I collapsed completely at that moment.” When she asked about the child’s condition, the doctor said, “Her pupils dilated, there is no chance of rescue.” The family requested the hospital to continue resuscitation.

Reportedly, from 5:00 PM that day until after 2:00 AM the next day, the hospital did not inform the parents of the child’s death. Considering the subsequent autopsy issues, Ms. Tang decided to stop the cardiac resuscitation.

“A friend told me not to continue, the child is gone. The hospital didn’t say she was dead, so isn’t it considered mistreatment to keep resuscitating a corpse?” Ms. Tang said.

Eventually, the family chose to have an autopsy conducted on the child, but the forensic center requires 60 working days to produce the results.

Medically, a tonsillectomy can often be performed using plasma minimally invasive surgery or radiofrequency ablation therapy. This surgical approach typically involves minimal bleeding during the procedure and results in minimal tissue trauma.

The girl’s death has raised questions online. Many netizens expressed their doubts, saying, “She went in at 12:40 and didn’t come out until after 5 PM, claiming there were issues. Such a small surgery that could be done in seconds, with preparation it would only take about ten minutes, why did it take so long? What were they doing inside?” “The forensic center requiring 60 working days for results means a minimum of 12 weeks, many things will be forgotten by then!” “She was already dead by 4 PM, they have been rescuing the body in front of the family for an hour, are they just putting on a show?”

As for why a tonsillectomy could cause lung bleeding, some netizens pointed out, “Intubation.” Another said, “The tonsillectomy itself is not difficult but it can easily lead to bleeding at this location. Once there is significant bleeding, it can be very dangerous. Blood flowing into the lungs can cause respiratory failure, leading to suffocation and ultimately cardiac arrest, resulting in death.”

“If it’s just a tonsillectomy gone wrong, it’s purely a medical accident, and the hospital is definitely not exempt from responsibility.” “I had an uncle who underwent a minimally invasive surgery and accidentally cut a major artery, bled to death. The doctor left from the back gate and didn’t inform the family for hours.”

“When my mother had a cesarean section, the assistant left gauze in her abdomen, the wound didn’t heal for days, and even the main surgeon couldn’t figure out the reason. Later, calling the assistant over, it was found immediately, it’s truly despicable. My mother said now when you have any surgery, you have to give an envelope, she forgot to give the assistant an envelope at that time.”